Peanuts Gallery Greeting!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Favorite Book is...

Although only 15 students voted, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss was the clear winner! 53% voted for this book. Second place was Ramona Quimby, Age 8. Third and fourth place was Magic Tree House and Magic School Bus. Thanks to all who voted!


  1. Green Eggs and Ham rocks!!! Just don't try to eat it for breakfast!..Mr. White

  2. green eggs and ham sounds like a terrible breakfast.

  3. hi it's kimberly mr.white is my favorite 4 grade teacher mr.white

  4. I like the story green eggs and hamos its becuse its hallaryas BY LUPE MR.DEVER

  5. Mr.Deaver your so funny.I bet you a $1.00 to make everyone in the class laugh.Your AWSOME so is the whole school Teacher's,Student's,and PRINCAPL'S.I can't image a day without school. I love school we alawy's start with a good day.I know you make us run to exirsice.I hope we could P.E. sometime's and sometimes E.L.D.When can we see Mrs.Deaver? Bescause she soun's awsome. Have an AWSOME YEAR EVERYONE.GOOD LUCK FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!STACEY MR.DEAVER'S CLASS.

  6. Richard I want to say your a good friend so are the other's.You have ton's of friend's am I one of your friend's because your nice like the other's.If I am thank's and please write me back to tell me I you help your my partener when we sincince I don't want to be mean but your so AWSOME!!!!!!GOOD LUCK Have a great year.from your pranter STACEY MR.DEAVER'S CLASS.

  7. Hi it's Selena and I think Mr.White is my favorit teacher beause he is funny

  8. I want to eat green eggs and ham when I see it Dania

  9. hi this is lilly whats up.Happy Halloween i hope you guys have a good costume but not a scary one but happy halloween hope you have a awesome halloween.BOO!HOO!

  10. Who has ever heared of green eggs and green ham Alejandro in Mr. Deavers class.

  11. I think that green eggs and green ham are ROTEN FOOD... Alejandro from Mr. Deavers class .

  12. Hello 4th grade lupe teacher MR.DEAVER

  13. I think that green eggs and ham looks iky.But looks yummy.As my mom would say "Did Sam i am ever tast green eggs and ham,I wouldn't! Mr.Deaver's Class:Camryn:)

  14. 4 the past 3 weeks it has been soooo hot!My mom said it is summer in winter.Im suprised by in winter it is so hot.I really want to go to the snow so I can really feel what winter feels like. Mr.Deaver's class:Camryn:)

  15. Only 1 more day till my birth day I am so excited!Did not bring goodies but Mr.Deaver brought popsicles.YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr.Deavers class:Camryn:)

  16. I can't wait untill the writing test.
    Mr.Deaver class:camryn:)

  17. green eggs and ham rock like Mr.Deaver eddie
