Peanuts Gallery Greeting!

Monday, November 28, 2011

What is YOUR Very Important Day?

We just finished the book A Very Important Day by Maggie Rugg Herold. In this book, many families are excited about the day they became United States citizens. Can you think of a day when you or your family had an important day? Was there a wedding? Was someone born? Did someone come back from being in the military? In the comment section below, write about your very important day!


  1. I think A Very Imortant Day is one of the best books we have read all year.Camryn

  2. The most important day I ever had was when my little cousin was born By Ricardo

  3. The most important day was when my Dad came back from texes By Roy

  4. My important day was when my baby couisn was born I was very happy to have a new baby couisn her name was Melody I had lot of fun with her she was very nice too me. My big couisn said "I was very lucky because her sister did not like play with her and she was very sad". I said"do not be sad because she will with we because you are her sister and has to play with you". By Isabel

  5. A Very Important Day is the BEST book I read ALL year.


  6. HI my very important day was when my mom and dad when they came back from mexico


  7. My very Important Day was when my 4 year,brother was born By:Dania

  8. my very important day is going to be when someone comes back from the army on christmas buti forgot what he is to melody contreras -diaz

  9. Hi my name is Isabel and have lots of important I have 5 important days.
    One is when Kimberly and Tiffany were born I had lots of fun with them but one day I got mad at one of them. Because she was a little girland Iwas big I got sad but I had lot of fun.When I got happy she got nice to me.Tiffany was very nice to me and never was mean to me.She was to cute and liked to hug her.

  10. Hi my very important day was I saw my Stepsister and my Step brother I saw them when I was 3.My step sister was 15 and my step brother 14.They came to celebrate my sisterers 15 years.I was so happy I was hugging them.I only saw sense I was 3. Even though I don't see them anymore I know thier in my heart.From Stacey Mr.deaver's class.

  11. Mr.Deaver have you ever hade a very important day. Alejandro

  12. i didnt get a very important day mrs.schmitts said that it was about tomas but i dont see how. all of those families stuck in my head was so , so confusing.

  13. Can you belive it the cst is almost here.Are you prepared???????????? Alejandro ,Mr. Deavers class

  14. My very important day was when my sister came home from the Navy -Sylvia,Mr.Deaver's class

  15. My important day was when I came here. THE END.
    from Koko in Mrs. Schmittz class
