Peanuts Gallery Greeting!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Welcome 4th graders!!

     Hi fourth graders!  This is Mr. White welcoming you to the world of fourth grade!  I am excited about meeting you on August 29th!! We will be ready for you! Will you be ready for us? Enjoy your last days of summer and comeback ready to learn. We will be teaching you many interesting and challenging things! Bye for now(or bfn) and talk to you later(or ttyl).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Welcome 4th graders!!!

Hi! It's Mrs. Schmitz! I am looking forward to meeting all the new 4th graders this upcoming school year! I can't wait to meet my 4th graders I will have in class and am excited to teach them new things... I will see you all on Monday, August 29th.  :-)

Welcome Peanuts Gallery!


Welcome to the blog for Monroe Elementary students in Mrs. Schmitz's, Mrs. Younan's, Mr. White's and Mr. Deaver's classes for the 2011-2012 school year! In this blog, you can read what other students have learned and their opinions about what has been posted. This blog is a fun way to stay in touch with students this year and years to come!

Just remember, all comments MUST be kind! No rude or mean comments will be posted. In fact, the teachers will check all comments before they are posted.
Here is your first fun assignment! (No, this is not for a grade... just for fun!!)
Which Peanuts character do you think you are most like? Below are some descriptions of the characters in the picture above:
Charlie Brown (boy in yellow shirt with black wavy line) - a good and kind boy, but things seem to go wrong for him even when he is trying his best. He does not give up and is a good friend to everyone.

Sally (girl in pink) - a younger sister of Charlie Brown that bugs him all the time. She likes to follow others around, especially Schroeder. She always has something to say.

Woodstock (yellow bird) - good friend and only talks to Snoopy. He seems to get hurt a lot but is smart and helpful.

Lucy (girl in blue) - she always has an opinion and blames others for her problems. She is a loud mouth and enjoys tricking Charlie Brown and likes to be in control.

Schroeder (boy playing piano) - very smart and does not like to be bothered when playing his piano. He is very talented and a good friend to Charlie Brown.

Snoopy (white dog) - a very smart dog that thinks he is more human than animal. He has a huge imagination and likes to play tricks. He is fun and people like to be around him (except Lucy).

Marcie (girl with glasses) - a really good friend to Peppermint Patty even though Patty is not always nice to her. She is smart but really hates baseball.

Peppermint Patty (girl with red and white shirt) - strong personality and tries to get people to see things her way. She is not mean but thinks she is right. She is fun and likeable.

Pig Pen (boy with dirt around him) - nice boy but always dirty. He does not say much but likes to be a part of what others are doing and he is a good kid.

Linus (boy with blanket) - a very nice boy who needs his blanket with him at all times to help him feel safe. He seems to know many things about life and a deep thinker. He is probably Charlie Brown's best friend. He is a good listener too.

Now choose which one you are more like and tell us why you think so! :-) Write your answer in the Comments link below. Just write your first name at the end of your answer! After your answer is approved, it will be posted on the blog! Check back to see your answer and others!